Protection Buddha (Fo Xiu)

Protection Buddha (Fo Xiu)

Price: £ 11.88
This protection Buddha is a vital Cure for all homes and offices in 2023 in order to protect wealth, business, career, love and overall protection in 2023. This Buddha (also known as Fo Xiu) is said to be one of the most powerful enhancers and protectors for wealth generation and wealth protection, especially when related to legal problems, theft, and fraud. As we have the #7 Annual Flying Star in the northeast this year and known as the mischievous Po Jun #7 argumentative red star which is a negative influence in Period 8. The trigram Tui is also known as ’Broken Soldier’. This is a fighting star which can cause problems if left alone, the #7 Red indicates a high risk of burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip, and backstabbing this year which makes the Protection Buddha ...
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