Ju Bao Pen Bao Wealth Ingot Talisman

Ju Bao Pen Bao Wealth Ingot Talisman

Price: £ 24.88
We have had these jù bao pén Yuan Bao wealth ingot’s specially created for us and made to exacting standards and auspicious measurements which are one of the most critical components of this stunning wealth enhancer and protector that must be placed in the southwest in 2023. There is an auspicious Chinese i-ching coin underneath the ingot plinth displaying yang characters with small pieces of Citrine and amethyst quartz crystals encased within the ingot which is the master enhancer of wealth and protection which enhances and protects wealth and must be placed in the southwest in 2023 enhancing the #1 wealth star. Citrine and amethyst are considered the ultimate quartz crystals for attracting wealth and good luck and combined with the strong metal enhancer of the ju bao pen and ...
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