Temple Lion protection talisman tablet

Temple Lion protection talisman tablet

Price: £ 14.98
With the southeast afflicted with the #3 star a very special cure and talisman is needed in 2023. This stunning temple Lion must be displayed with a sword in his mouth mounted on a ba gua shape with red ribbon tied with a lucky knot and because these are very rare we had them specially made and we are absolutely over the moon with the results, the quality is amazing combined with a good weight and the Lion face sits perfectly in the “chai” dimension making it even more powerful. Without this powerful protector in 2023, it is said that there is a risk of many legal issues and arguments and for a business, it can bring lawsuits and bankruptcy. In our opinion, this is normally only so if you have sha chi outside like a prison, hospital, busy road or any other poison arrow so do not ...
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