Hotei Buddha

Hotei Buddha

Price: £ 11.88
The Hotei Buddha really is such a vital Cure for the west in 2023 as we have the #6 metal Annual star flying in and a very special Cure is needed. If you have a bedroom, study, kitchen or other important room in the west this year, the Hotei Buddha really must be placed; if you do not wish to purchase the Hotei Buddha from us, please try to get one somewhere else and place him in the west and make sure that he is gold and has the sack in his left hand and Mala beads in his right as this combination is the most important part of this cure. The Buddha holding a sack in his hand is known as the Hotei Buddha which means cotton sack. He is known as the travelling Buddha as he is believed to wander around the world collecting people’s sadness and troubles and put them in his sack. The ...
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