Yufang Zusui Rice Cure

Yufang Zusui Rice Cure

Price: £ 20.88
The Yufang Zusui rice cure is an essential cure to treat and weaken the inauspicious influence of the annual #7 star which has flown into the west during 2022. The west is the inherent palace of the Lo Shu for the #7 robbery star and when left untreated, can cause a range of problems in the home and workplace, related to burglary, deception, copyright theft, gossip and backstabbing which is why it is crucial to place a very powerful cure that will absorb and neutralise this negative influence. This important cure and enhancer is a very little known talisman charm engraved at the bottom of the glass vessel named "Yufang Zusui" which translates as "to protect throughout the year" which is combined with a very special quartz crystal, two Chinese i-ching coins and rice. The glass ...
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