Swarovski 30% lead crystal diamond bell cluster – 200mm

Product Code: CR24
Availability: Sold Out
Price: $101.58

This magnificent arrangement consists of 52 individual crystals, each hallmarked by Swarovski. The cluster is made up with a 40mm bell crystal, 3 x 30mm Ba Gua crystals, 12 x 20mm Ba Gua crystals, 10 x 17mm Ba Gua crystals, 12 x 15mm Ba Gua crystals and 14 x 13mm Ba Gua crystals to form the most astonishing display. When they are hit by sunlight they generate an incredible display of hundreds of various size rainbows. No matter how hard we tried we could not create the right photo to give it full justice. This has to be seen to be believed.

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